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PETA has uncovered evidence that Africa’s largest airline, Ethiopian Airlines, has just shipped hundreds of endangered monkeys halfway around the world for use in cruel and deadly experiments.
The airline, which appears to have ties to an alleged illegal international monkey smuggling ring, reportedly recently flew 250 endangered long-tailed macaques from Ethiopia to the U.S. on a grueling journey, even though the company previously told PETA that shipping monkeys was against company policy. The monkeys were first shipped to Ethiopia from the East African nation of Mauritius on a different airline.
Please take action below to urge Ethiopian Airlines to join nearly every other major airline in the world by refusing to ship sensitive beings to laboratories.

7,000-Plus Miles of Misery
Monkeys transported to laboratories are packed into tiny wooden shipping crates and forced to sit in their own feces, urine, and blood for hours-long journeys. The terrified and likely sick animals are ultimately trucked to laboratories, where they’re deprived of food and water, mutilated, poisoned, forcibly immobilized in restraint devices, infected with painful and deadly diseases, psychologically tormented, used in a battery of other excruciating experiments, and ultimately killed.
Frequent Flyer Violator
In July 2023, Ethiopian Airlines was cited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA ) for giving a ground crew improper feeding and watering instruction for 336 monkeys crammed inside crates in a cargo hold for the 10,000 miles from Mauritius to Georgia. After the monkeys were finally unloaded from the plane, they spent 95 minutes on the tarmac without shade in 85-degree heat. The crates of monkeys were then roughly handled as workers packed them into trailers for transport to laboratories, causing further distress and likely physical harm.
The USDA also cited the airline in January 2023 for bringing 584 monkeys into the U.S. without mandatory health certificates, which made it impossible to track whether the monkeys carried one or several of a plethora of pathogens that can infect humans.
Numerous Ethiopian Airlines shipments have included monkeys taken from Mauritius, a small island where tuberculosis outbreaks on monkey-breeding farms are well documented. These shipments pose an imminent threat to public health because tuberculosis is highly infectious and can easily be transmitted from monkeys to humans.

Fleet of Frauds
Ethiopian Airlines has ties to a Southeast Asian black market monkey-smuggling ring, which allegedly abducts wild-caught monkeys from their natural habitat and falsely labels them as “captive-bred” before they’re flown to the U.S. A recent federal trial revealed that Ethiopian Airlines flew hundreds of these allegedly laundered monkeys from Cambodia into the hands of U.S. laboratory supplier Worldwide Primates.
Help Get All Monkey Shipments Grounded
Ethiopian Airlines’ monkey shipments drain forests of endangered monkeys, threaten public health and safety, and fuel the insatiable animal experimentation industry.
Please send polite e-mails to the managers of Ethiopian Airlines in the places below, asking them to use their position to speak up for these vulnerable animals and insist that the airline end its involvement in the cruel trade in primates used for experimentation.
Then use the form below to urge Ethiopian Airlines to stop shipping monkeys to laboratories for use in barbaric and deadly experiments.