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Thanks to multiple PETA investigations, pressure from PETA entities, and e-mails from hundreds of thousands of compassionate supporters, the slaughter of donkeys for their skin—which is boiled down to produce ejiao, a type of gelatin used in Chinese medicines, cosmetics, and candy—is banned across Africa. PETA entities have also persuaded dozens of companies, including eBay and Walmart-owned online retailer Jet.com, to stop selling products containing it.
But the black market for ejiao is thriving, and intelligent, affectionate donkeys and other animals, such as horses, pigs, and cows, are subjected to horrific abuse and gruesome deaths to meet the demand.

Bludgeoned and Killed
A 2017 PETA investigation in China revealed that donkeys used for their skin in the ejiao industry are kept in filthy, cramped, concrete-floored pens. At the slaughterhouse, they’re beaten and their heads are bashed with a sledgehammer. They’re often still conscious when workers slit their throats.
A second investigation three years later found horrific abuse inside Kenya’s donkey slaughter industry, which existed only to meet China’s demand for ejiao. The footage showed frightened donkeys being cruelly beaten by workers at government-sanctioned slaughterhouses after enduring grueling days-long journeys, often from neighboring countries.
Help Us Stop the Slaughter
Making dubious claims about purported benefits, stores continue to sell products containing cruelly obtained ejiao. But there’s no need to be cruel to stay healthy. Plant-derived supplements for every health need are widely available.
As long as there’s a demand for ejiao, donkeys and other animals will continue to be slaughtered for it. Please use the form below to let companies know that profiting from animal abuse is not OK. And tell your family and friends why they shouldn’t buy products containing ejiao.