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Miyako is one of the loneliest elephants in the world. Even though these animals need the company and companionship of other elephants, she has been alone in a cramped pen at Utsunomiya Zoo in Japan for 50 years. She’s forced to stand on concrete amid her own waste day after interminable day. In a desperate attempt to find comfort, Miyako sways back and forth—an abnormal behavior that reflects her acute mental and emotional distress.
After five decades without the company of other elephants, Miyako spends her days biting at the bars of her barren enclosure. Her only form of stimulation is attempting to interact with zoo visitors while standing on a raised concrete slab. She often tries to reach across the trench in front of this slab and get to the food that these visitors hold out to her—putting herself at risk of serious injury. She endures unimaginable loneliness and frustration.

Thanks to decades of field research, we know that elephants are highly intelligent, social animals who lavish affection and attention on their family members. In their natural habitat, their days are filled with socializing, exploring, playing, and participating in other activities. Every birth is a celebration, and the deaths of loved ones are mourned. Miyako has been denied all these fundamental life experiences.

PETA has contacted Utsunomiya Zoo’s owner offering to help transfer Miyako to a sanctuary or facility where she would have space to roam and other elephants to socialize with for the first time in 50 years. Indefensibly, he has refused.
Miyako the Elephant Needs Your Help!
Comment on the following social media pages for Utsunomiya Zoo and ask it to accept PETA’s offer to transfer Miyako to a more suitable facility where she doesn’t have to suffer in isolation:
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• X (formerly Twitter)
Please use the form below to urge companies that sponsor Utsunomiya Zoo to ask its owner to accept our offer to transfer Miyako to a sanctuary or another facility with other elephants. Feel free to use the sample letter below, but keep in mind that your request will carry more weight if you write your own message and subject line.